Homeowner Claims FAQ
How do I report my claim?
There are three easy ways to report your claim. Contact your local insurance agent during normal business hours. If you are unable to contact your agent, you can contact Quincy Mutual by calling 1-800-490-0047 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or by reporting a claim online (7 days a week except from 3:00 am-4:00 am, Tuesday through Saturday).
What do I need to do after my loss?
Your responsibilities include reporting your claim promptly to us or your agent, notifying the police in the case of
loss by theft, protecting the property from further damage, and showing us the damaged property. You will find a full
listing of your duties after a loss in your policy under Property Coverages-Conditions.
I have reported my claim. What happens next?
Your claim will be assigned to a Quincy Mutual claim representative. If an inspection of your damaged property is necessary,
we will assign a local independent claim adjuster to contact you directly. The adjuster will schedule an appointment
to view the damage and instruct you on the claims process.
What happens after the adjuster inspects my damage?
Quincy Mutual is committed to processing your claim in a timely manner. After the adjuster inspects your damage, an
estimate is prepared and submitted to us. We will review the estimate and determine what coverage is provided. The
adjuster who inspected the damage will contact you to explain the applicable coverage and reach an agreed settlement
figure with you. A settlement check will be issued when we agree on the amount of loss. You may be required to sign
settlement forms prior to the issuance of the check.
What are the terms of my claim payment?
All policies are subject to specific conditions. The terms of settlement may be at replacement cost value, or actual
cash value (replacement cost less depreciation). The terms of your policy will determine the loss settlement conditions.
You will find a full description of your loss settlement agreements in your policy under Property Coverages-Conditions.
policies are subject to a deductible.
If a mortgagee is listed on your policy, we are required to include their
name on the check.
What should I do if more damage is discovered after I receive the claim payment?
If more damage is discovered after your claim is settled, contact us immediately. A reinspection by the adjuster may
be required to view the damaged property and investigate coverage.